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The Beast(Monsters and Beauties Book 1) Review

Time for the third entry into my monster romance book reviews. I know some people will be like “What did you expect from a monster smut book?” but I can’t help it I had too many issues with this book. There was 1% plot, 1% character building(forget character development you barely get any character background), and 0% world-building. This book was clearly only written for the smut which is my huge issue. I hate to be that person but if there is almost no substance besides smut in a book it’s just boring to me. Without that effort put into adding even just a tiny bit of depth, everything falls flat. I honestly don’t even feel like mentioning what was good about the monster spice because it left no lasting impact on me. I made zero connections to any characters so you won’t be surprised when I give this book a 4 out of 10.

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Tasting Red (The Lost Girls Book 1) Review

Time for my second werewolf romance book review! I loved this as a spicy book in general but was a little disappointed in it as a werewolf romance sense. So, let’s first talk about what I loved, the modern twist of all the fairytales was perfect. I especially loved Brexley and Red they were a fantastic couple! Even the spice was superb, in a normal sense, but I’ll get more into that later. As a whole, I really enjoyed the story and world in this book.

Now, while I truly did like this book I was unfulfilled on the monster romance side of things. While the spice was quite high it was completely normal, no monster form no knotting nothing like that. All we got was Red being in heat which was okay but not enough. It was also sad that them becoming mates was an accident, I’m a sucker for the fated mates trope so when it’s not destiny it cheapens it to me. Also, I don’t know if it was just me but it was unclear if Brexley’s wolf form was quadruped or biped and anyone who loves werewolf books knows that is an important detail. So, while this was a great spicy book I wouldn’t put it on the same shelf as monster romance books. But anyway I would give this book a 7.5 out of 10.

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Autopsy of a Fairytale Review

To start the review, I have to admit that at some point, my mind was stupid and forgot this book was slow-burn and instead thought it was spicy spicy(if you know what I mean), so that kind of changed how I viewed it. Besides my stupid disappointment that the spice was limited to thoughts and no action, I actually enjoyed this book. One of my favorite parts was how much/little it was inspired by Beauty and the Beast. I’ve noticed that sometimes, when someone makes a retelling type of book it’s way too much like the original. But this one was just the right amount of nods that it didn’t just feel like I was reading Beauty and the Beast again but instead was reading a whole different story.

My only true complaint was that I think the description of Eamon’s beastlyness was too close to a vampire. I think it should have been something like “taste your flesh” instead of drinking blood. In my mind that gives it a more monstrous feel, more in line with werewolf, which is what I think of more with Beauty and the Beast. But if the vampire comparison is on purpose, then all of that is a moot point. So considering all of this, I would give this book a 7 out of 10.

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Robin Of Locksley(1996) Review

Recently I got in one of my moods again where I deep dive on Amazon Prime and watch any random movie that catches my attention, and Robin of Locksley was one of the winners. Normally, I avoid shows and movies before the 2000s because I have a very hard time handling the low-qualityness (especially compared to now) of old stuff. But I’m such a sucker for Robin Hood retellings, so I had to watch this one.

First things first, I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. I thought I was going to be cringing a lot more from the sheer 90s of it, but besides the hair and whatever they called the “internet,” it wasn’t cringy at all. Although I couldn’t help being utterly confused by the “hacking” if that’s even remotely what hacking was like back in 1996. I am so used to the high-tech hacking and tech of modern times that I kept having to remind myself that it was waaaaay different back in the early days of the internet.

While I did wish it was a little more actiony, I thought this movie did pretty well bringing in all of the details of the Robin Hood story into a modern setting. So, I would have to give it a 6.5 out of 10.